Casino comps: two words that are music to millions of ears when
sounded together. Many a Vegas visitor has been lured to the game by freebie
offerings from the house. Online is no different, as competition is stiff
and everybody wants your business. Simply put, comps are any complimentary
goods and services provided by the casino for the enjoyment of their patrons
(stuff you like, for free). They can range from free soft drinks on the
low end all the way to free suites and flights to Vegas on the high end,
with everything in between. While its often said that a casino bonus or
comps are available to everyone in Vegas, whether high roller or not,
that doesn't mean they're easy to come by. In the online world though
grabbing a good casino bonus isn't hard as they are plentiful and can
be quite rewarding. Many people have talked to me about online casino
bonuses saying they often seem 'too good to be true' pointing to a 300%
bonus they see advertised. While I understand the trepidation, I myself
have taken advantage of 300% bonuses without incident. There is something
a lot of people don't fully consider in these cases: no matter what percentage
of your deposit you get comped on, you still have to play the money through
a minimum number of times. See, you can't just deposit a hundred dollars,
be given an extra hundred, and then go and cash out, it doesn't (and couldn't)
work like that. The casinos give you the extra money so that you will
stay playing longer, hopefully falling for the software enough to want
to come back. For this reason they say the bonus is not valid until you
have played thru a certain amount of cash. This reasoning is exactly the
same as Vegas; they create a little loyalty to their patrons by being
really nice to them.
Of course not all of us are high rollers, that's why we think it's important
to direct our content towards the average Joe, who likes the action, but
doesn't drop a grand on the table in a night. Online casinos offer comps
for these very people, as they don't have a clue if you're a high roller
or not when you first sign up. After playing at a decent online casino,
if you are a high roller you will definitely get some extra special treatment,
without even joining a players club, as your play is naturally tracked
regardless. If you want specific direction on getting comped in Vegas
or at land based casinos, read our page dedicated to just that.
The wide world of online casino comps features a number of different
styles of offer. Since they can't (easily) offer you a free meal or drinks,
they do the next best thing by crediting your bankroll. This comes in
many forms, but each of them mean some extra cash to throw around on the
tables, or whichever game you choose. Well I shouldn't say any game; there
are often conditions on the bonus, stating which games are not eligible.
This is due to the fact that if you wanted to, you could play red and
black at roulette, play the comps money thru as many times as needed to
cash out, then cash out the value of the bonus. Some casino operators
did not realize that players would jump at this chance to abuse the bonus
they were so generously providing, but it is just human nature. There
are still some casinos out there which offer 'play it through' style bonuses,
but which don't exclude the game of baccarat. Baccarat offers the same
double sided betting as red/black in roulette, with the ability to bet
on both the player's hand and the dealer's hand. Although there is a Vig
charged on winning banker hands, there is still plenty of room to walk
away with most of the casino bonus cash. I'm not advocating this, in fact
I dislike bonus abusers a great deal, because it used to be much easier
to find a good and useful casino bonus, now they are much more rare. Even
casinos offering bonuses with disclaimers and play thru minimums are scaling
back as they see people attempt to open multiple accounts and steal as
much bonus cash as they can. The casinos are only interested in offering
more money to players who are gamblers, people who enjoy the game and
like playing.
The real value to people like you and I in these online casino bonus
offers lies in the added bankroll we are carrying. As you may know, a
larger bankroll offers a few more options and a better chance to make
some money if you utilize it right. Playing with a larger bankroll you
can either enjoy yourself longer playing the size of bet you normally
do, or try to make more than you normally would over the same amount of
time. Spreading your bets out and covering a lot of the roulette board
is often a much more enjoyable experience. It's entirely possible to play
bets where you win something pretty much every time you spin, but you
of course will have lost a portion of bets too.